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SuKaz Jackets

SuKaz Jackets


SuKaz is a global team of designers, artists, and craftsmen, many of whomhave never met in person. Despite spanning divides of culture, language,and physical distance, the team’s individual work comes together to createpieces that are both beautiful and meaningful. SuKaz’s foundation is builtupon the motivation to showcase cultural and artistic needlecraft fromaround the globe, drawing inspiration from the artistry of individual teammembers and embracing the unconventional. Authenticity, originality, thecelebration of a creative collective, and a genuine drive to make each detailof every jacket special and of the highest quality are what drive the brand.SuKaz is independent of trends or mainstream influences and offerstimeless yet versatile pieces, a luxury brand that produces one-of-a-kindartisan-crafted clothing. Each globally-inspired design is unique infabrication and artistry and will never be duplicated.



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