Kimono Dress Atelier Midori
Kimono Dress Atelier Midori
Studied dressmaking in Ichinomiya high school. Graduated from Nagoya College of Music, then worked as classical music vocalist. Began making dresses from used kimono in the wake of the corona pandemic. Started my brand to create dresses for myself and other Japanese performers. Now making costumes for numerous musicians, finalists of several beauty contests and opera performers. All my dresses made from used kimonos.Most of the kimonos and obi belts that I make into dresses are made of silk, which is specially woven and dyed, and although they were very expensive at first, they recently have little value on the reuse market.The theme of my collection is "waves". Inspired by Japanese ukiyo-e landscape paintings, waves are expressed through a variety of prints and lace.
愛知県出身。愛知県立一宮高校被服科卒業。名古屋音楽大学卒業。同大学大学院修了。声楽 家としてキャリアを積むもコロナ禍をきっかけに着物生地でドレスを作り始める。様々な演 奏家やビューティーコンテストの衣装を作製。バンクーバーファッションウィーク202春夏 コレクションでファッションウィークデビュー。エルジャパンオンライン版に作品掲載。コレクションのテーマは「waves」です。日本の波といえば葛飾北斎ですが、「waves」に は「波動」という意味もあります。様々な波紋様とレースを合わせて、日本から広がる波を 表現しました。